[GSI] [FOPI] [FOPI publications] |
FOPI Conference Talks |
A. Le Fevre A new approach to detect hypernuclei and isotopes in the QMD phase space distribution at relativistic energies (pdf:transparencies, pdf:proceedings) Presented at the AsyEOS Workshop; Syracusa, Italy, 2012 |
W. Reisdorf (for the FOPI Collaboration) Heavy ion collisions in the 1A GeV regime: how well can we join up to astrophysics? (pdf:proceedings) Presented at the AsyEOS Workshop; Syracusa, Italy, 2012 |
O.N. Hartmann (for the FOPI Collaboration) The FOPI Experiment at GSI-SIS (pdf:transparencies) Presented at the 60th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Physical Society; University Salzburg, Austria, september 10th, 2010 |
O.N. Hartmann (for the FOPI Collaboration) The Search for a K-pp bound state with FOPI (pdf:transparencies) Presented at the International Workshop on Hadronic Atoms and Kaonic Nuclei - solved puzzles, open problems and future challenges in theory and experiment; ECT* Trento, Italy, october 12 - 16, 2009 |
O.N. Hartmann (for the FOPI Collaboration) Studying Strange Meson Production with FOPI (pdf:transparencies) Presented at MESON2008 - 10th International Workshop on Meson Production, Properties and Interaction; Kraków, Poland, june 06 - 10, 2008 |
A. Schüttauf for the FOPI Collaboration Timing RPCs in FOPI (pdf file: proceedings) Talk presented at the RPC-Conference, LPC, Clermont Ferrand 2003 NIM A 533 (2004) 65-68 |
A. Devismes for the FOPI Collaboration Results from FOPI on strangeness production and propagation (postscript file:tranparancies) Presented at Strange Quark in Matter 2001, Frankfort, Germany, september 24 - 29, 2001 |
N. Bastid for the FOPI Collaboration Results from FOPI on Nuclear Collective Flow in Heavy Ion Collisions at SIS energies. International Nuclear Physics Conference, INPC 2001, Berkeley, USA, July 30 - August 3, 2001 to be published by the American Institute of Physics |
Ch. Finck (for the FOPI Collaboration) A new time of flight system for strangeness measurements with FOPI (postscript file:tranparancies) Seminar presented at INPL, LPC, CSNSM, Subatech, France, 2001 |
Ch. Finck (for the FOPI Collaboration) A new time of flight system for the FOPI detector (postscript file:tranparancies, contribution) Presented at the XXXIX INTERNATIONAL WINTER MEETING ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS, Bormio, Italy, January 22-27, 2001. Ricerca Scientifica ed Educazione Permanente Supplemento. Edited by I. Iori. |
F. Rami (for the FOPI Collaboration) Probing the degree of equilibration attained in relativistic heavy-ion collisions (postscript file) Presented at the XXXVIII INTERNATIONAL WINTER MEETING ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS, Bormio, Italy, January 24-29, 2000. Ricerca Scientifica ed Educazione Permanente Supplemento. Edited by I. Iori. |
R. Kotte (for the FOPI Collaboration) Subthreshold ![]() Proceedings of HIRSCHEGG2000, HADRONS IN DENSE MATTER, International Workshop XXVIII on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations, Hirschegg, Austria, Jan 16-22 (2000) 112. Edited by M. Buballa, W. Nörenberg, B.-J. Schäfer, J. Wambach. |
N. Bastid for the FOPI Collaboration Nuclear collective flow in heavy ion collisions at SIS energies International Conference Bologna 2000, Structure of the Nucleus at the Dawn of the Century, Bologna, Italy, May 29 - June 3, 2000 to be published by World Scientific |
A. Devismes (for the FOPI Collaboration) Results from FOPI on strangeness production and propagation in hot and dense nuclear matter. (postscript file: transparencies, contribution) Presented at Hirschegg 2000, Hadron in dense matter, Kleinwalsertal, Austria, Jan 16-22 (2000) 104. |
P. Crochet (for the FOPI Collaboration) Results from FOPI on strangeness in nuclear matter at SIS energies. (postscript file: transparencies, contribution) Presented at Strangeness 2000, 5th International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter July 20-25 Berkley California |
M. Petrovici (for the FOPI Collaboration) Special Aspects of the Baryonic Flow in Relativistic Heavy IonCollisions (postscript file) Advances in NuclearPhysics, International Symposium, Bucharest,Romania, 9-10 December 1999 to be published by World Scientific |
M. Petrovici (for the FOPI Collaboration) Cluster as sensitive probes for a deeper understanding of baryon flow observables (postscript file) Presented at CLUSTER'99, Rab, Island of Rab, Croatia, June 14-19, 1999. to appear in World Scientific. |
F.Rami, B. de Schauenburg, P.Wagner (for the FOPI Collaboration) System size effects in cluster production at SIS energies. (postscript file) Presented at CLUSTER'99, Rab, Island of Rab, Croatia, June 14-19, 1999. to appear in World Scientific. |
W. Reisdorf FOPI Collaboration: Clusters and nuclear flow (postscript file) Presented at CLUSTER '99, Rab, Island of Rab, June 14 - 19, Croatia, 1999 to appear in World Scientific. |
P. Crochet for the FOPI Collaboration: Strangeness and in-medium effects in heavy ion collisions at SIS enregies (postscript file: transparencies, contribution) Presented at "Quark Matter 99" May 10-15, Torino, Italia, 1999 |
A. Andromic for the FOPI Collaboration: Elliptic flow and equation of state in heavy ion collisions at SIS enregies (postscript file) Presented at "Quark Matter 99" May 10-15, Torino, Italia, 1999 |
W. Reisdorf FOPI Collaboration: Clusterization at SIS energies. Nonequilibrium effects and flow-back influence (postscript file) Proceedings of HIRSCHEGG'99, MULTIFRAGMENTATION, International Workshop XXVII on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations, Hirschegg, Austria, January 17 - 23 (1999) 82. Edited by H. Feldmeier, J. Knoll, W. Nörenberg and J. Wambach. |
R. Kotte, H.W Barz and the FOPI Collaboration: On the sequence of proton and composite particle emission in central collisions of Ru(Zr)+Ru(Zr) at 400 A-MeV (postscript file) Proceedings of HIRSCHEGG'99, MULTIFRAGMENTATION, International Workshop XXVII on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations, Hirschegg, Austria, January 17 - 23 (1999) 181. Edited by H. Feldmeier, J. Knoll, W. Nörenberg and J. Wambach. |
A. Andromic for the FOPI Collaboration: Expansion dynamics and EoS in semi-central heavy ion collisions (postscript file) Presented at "International School of Nuclear Physics" September 17-25, Erice, Italia, 1998 |
P. Crochet for the FOPI Collaboration: Strangeness and in-medium effects in heavy ion collisions from 1 to 2AGeV (postscript file: transparencies, contribution) Presented at INPC98 August 98, Paris, France to appear in Nucl. Phys. A |
R. Kotte for the FOPI Collaboration: Proton-proton Correlations in Central Heavy-Ion Collisions as SIS Energies and the Space-Time Extent of the Emission Source (postscript file) Presented at CRIS'98, MEASURING THE SIZE OF THINGS IN THE UNIVERSE: HBT INTERFEROMETRY AND HEAVY ION PHYSICS, proceedings of the 2nd Catania Relativistic Ion Studies, Acicastello, Italy, June 8-12 1998, p. 299, World Scientific. |
P. Crochet for the FOPI Collaboration: K+ flow in heavy ion collisions at SIS energies (postscript file: transparencies, contribution) Presented at MESON'98, Structure of Mesons, Baryons and Nuclei, Cracow, Poland, May 98 Acta Physica Polonica B 29 (1998) 3185. |
P. Crochet for the FOPI Collaboration: Strangeness and in-medium effects in heavy ion collisions at SIS energies (postscript file) Presented at "Les Houches 98" March 98, Les Houches, France to appear in Fundamental Theories of Physics book series |
F. Rami for the FOPI Collaboration: System Size and Isospin Effects in Central Heavy-Ion Collisions as SIS Energies (postscript file) Presented at 14th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, 31 January-7 February, Snowbird, Utah, USA, 1998 Advances in Nuclear Dynamics 4, Plenum press, 1998, p.285. Edited by W. Bauer and H.G.Ritter. |
R. Kutsche for the FOPI Collaboration Production and flow of K0-mesons and ![]() Physics of Ultra-relativistic heacy ion collisions Prague, Czechoslovakia, september 1-5, 1997. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 48 (1998) 143 |
P. Crochet, FOPI Collaboration: Squeeze-out of nuclear matter in Au(100-800AMeV)+Au collisions Proceedings of the XXXIV International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, Bormio, 1996 |
F.Rami for the FOPI Collaboration Collective flow studies with the FOPI detector. Critical Phenomena and Collective Observables, Acicastello, Italy, May 27-31, 1996. World Scientific Publishing Co., 1997, p.261. Edited by S. Costa, S.Albergo, A. Insolia and C. Tuve. |
W. Reisdorf, The FOPI Collaboration: Flow, Particle Yields, Equilibration in Heavy Ion Reactions between 0.1 and 2 A GeV Presented at 6th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Gatlinburg, USA, 1997 Nuclear Physics Electronic (Access may be restricted) Nucl. Phys. A 630 (1998) 15c |
J. Ritman for the FOPI Collaboration: Nuclear Flow and Particle Production Near 1 AGeV: Recent Results from the FOPI Collaboration (postscript file) Proceedings of the XXXV INTERNATIONAL WINTER MEETING ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS, Bormio, Italy, February 3rd-8th, 1997. Edited by I. Iori. Ricerca Scientifica ed Educazione Permanente Supplemento N. 110 (1997) 355. |
D. Pelte for the FOPI Collaboration: Charged Pion Production in Heavy Ion Collisions at SIS Energies Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Physics at the Turn of the Millennium: Structure of Vacuum and Elementary Matter, Wilderness, South Africa, March 10-16 (1996) 270. Editors Horst Stöcker, André Gallmann, and Joseph H. Hamilton. |
N. Herrmann, FOPI Collaboration: Strangeness Production and Propagation in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions Heavy Ion Physics at Low, Intermediate and Relativictic Energies using 4 ![]() |
F.Rami for the FOPI Collaboration Fragment flow in Au+Au collisions. (postscript file) Heavy Ion Physics at Low, Intermediate and Relativictic Energies using 4 ![]() |
B. Hong and the FOPI Collaboration: Freeze-Out Conditions in Heavy Ion Collisions from 1 to 2 AGeV (postscript file) Heavy Ion Physics at Low, Intermediate and Relativictic Energies using 4 ![]() |
D. Pelte, The FOPI Collaboration: Pion Production at SIS Energies Heavy Ion Physics at Low, Intermediate and Relativictic Energies using 4 ![]() |
R. Kotte and the FOPI Collaboration: Proton-Proton Correlations in Central Collisions of Ni+Ni at 1.93 AGeV and the Space-Time Extent of the Emission Source Heavy Ion Physics at Low, Intermediate and Relativictic Energies using 4 ![]() |
M. Korolija, The FOPI Collaboration: Collective Flow in Central Au+Au Collisions at ~ 1 AGeV (postscript file) Heavy Ion Physics at Low, Intermediate and Relativictic Energies using 4 ![]() |
M. Petrovici and the FOPI Collaboration: Collective Expansion of Hot and Compressed Nuclear Matter Heavy Ion Physics at Low, Intermediate and Relativictic Energies using 4 ![]() |
A. Andronic and the FOPI Collaboration: Transition from In-Plane to Out-of_plane Emission in Heavy Ion Collisions Heavy Ion Physics at Low, Intermediate and Relativictic Energies using 4 ![]() |
N. Bastid and the FOPI Collaboration: Out-of-Plane Emission of Nuclear Matter in Heavy Ion Collisions Between 150 and 800 AMeV Heavy Ion Physics at Low, Intermediate and Relativictic Energies using 4 ![]() |
G.S. Wang, FOPI Collaboration: System Dependence of Event Shapes, Radial Flow and Fragment Production in Central Collisions of Ni+Ni, Xe+CsI and Au+Au at 250 AMeV. (postscript file) Heavy Ion Physics at Low, Intermediate and Relativictic Energies using 4 ![]() |
W. Neubert and the FOPI Collaboration: Limits of Energy Equilibration in Central Au on Au Collisions in the Projectile Energy Range from 150 AMeV to 1050 AMeV Heavy Ion Physics at Low, Intermediate and Relativictic Energies using 4 ![]() |
N. Herrmann for the FOPI Collaboration: Strangeness Production and Flow in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Physics at the Turn of the Millennium: Structure of Vacuum and Elementary Matter, Wilderness, South Africa, March 10-16 (1996) 224. Editors Horst Stöcker, André Gallmann, and Joseph H. Hamilton. |
D. Best for the FOPI Collaboration: K+ production in the system Ni + Ni at an incident energy of 1.93 AGEV (postscript file) Presented at 12th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, 3-9 February, Snowbird, Utah, USA, 1996 |
D. Pelte, The FOPI Collaboration: Meson Production Observed with the FOPI Detector Presented at the "Meson 96" Workshop, Cracow, Poland, May 10-14, 1996. Acta Physica Polonica B27 (1996) 3005. |
N. Herrmann, FOPI Collaboration: Particle Production and Flow at SIS Energies (postscript file) !strong> Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Heidelberg, Germany, 20-24 May, 1996. Edited by P. BRAUN-MUNZIGER, H.J. SPECHT, R. STOCK, H. STÖCKER. Nuclear Physics Electronic (Access may be restricted) Nucl. Phys. A610 (1996) 49 |
D. Best for the FOPI Collaboration: Kaon and Pion Production in Ni + Ni at 1, 1.4 and 1.9 A GeV (postscript file) Proceedings of the XXXIII INTERNATIONAL WINTER MEETING ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS, Bormio, Italy, 23-27 January 1995. Edited by I. IORI. Ricerca Scientifica ed Educazione Permanente Supplemento N. 101 (1995) 505. |
J. Ritman for the FOPI Collaboration: Near Threshold Strangeness Production in the System 58Ni (1.93 A·GeV) on 58Ni (postscript file) Proceedings of the International Workshop XXIII on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations, Hirschegg, Austria, January 16 - 21 (1995) 340. Edited by HANS FELDMEIER and WOLFGANG NÖREMBERG. |
K. Wisniewski for the FOPI Collaboration: Search for Intermittency in Central Au + Au Collisions at Intermediate Energies Presented at the XXIV Mazurian Lakes School of Physics, Piaski, Poland, August 23-September 2, 1995. Acta Physica Polonica B27 (1996) 505. |
C.H. Pinkenburg, FOPI Collaboration: Directed Sideward Flow of Fragments and Secondary Particles in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions Presented at the XXIV Mazurian Lakes School of Physics, Piaski, Poland, August 23-September 2, 1995. Acta Physica Polonica B27 (1996) 243. |
J.L. Ritman, FOPI Collaboration: The FOPI Detector at SIS/GS (postscript file) !strong> Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Advanced Technology and Particle Physics, Como, Italy, 3-7 October 1994. Edited by E. BORCHI, J. HUSTON, S. MAJEWSKI, A. PENZO and P.G. RANCOITA. Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 44 (1995) 708 |
M. Trzaska for the FOPI Collaboration: (p, ![]() International Workshop on MULTIPARTICLE CORRELATIONS AND NUCLEAR REACTIONS, CORINNE II, Nantes, France, 6 - 10 September (1994) 96. Editors J. Aichelin & D. Ardouin. |
P. Dupieux for the FOPI Collabration In medium effects in Au + Au collisions at 400 AMeV International workshop on multiparticle correlations and nuclear reactions Nantes, France, September 1994 |
G. Pasquali and the FOPI Collaboration: Light Particles (Z< 2) emitted in "central" Au + Au collisions at 250 AMeV beam energy !strong> Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Taormina, Italy, May 30-Juna 4, 1994. Edited by Massimo DI TORO, Emilio MIGNECO and Paolo PIATTELLI. Nucl. Phys. A583 (1995) 561c |
A. Gobbi, FOPI Collaboration: Central Au on Au Collisions. !strong> Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Taormina, Italy, May 30-Juna 4, 1994. Edited by Massimo DI TORO, Emilio MIGNECO and Paolo PIATTELLI. Nucl. Phys. A583 (1995) 499c |
M. Trzaska for the FOPI Collaboration: Pion production studies with FOPI !strong> Proceedings of the XXXII INTERNATIONAL WINTER MEETING ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS, Bormio, Italy, 24-28 January 1994. Edited by I. IORI. Ricerca Scientifica ed Educazione Permanente Supplemento N. 97 (1994) 391. |
W. Neubert for the FOPI Collaboration: The reaction Au+Au at 150 A MeV simulated by the Copenhagen statistical multifragmentation model !strong> Proceedings of the XXXII INTERNATIONAL WINTER MEETING ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS, Bormio, Italy, 24-28 January 1994. Edited by I. IORI. Ricerca Scientifica ed Educazione Permanente Supplemento N. 97 (1994) 116. |
Th. Blaich and the FOPI Collaboration: Energy dependence of collective flow on neutrons and charged particles in 197Au + 197Au Collisions !strong> Proceedings of the XXXII INTERNATIONAL WINTER MEETING ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS, Bormio, Italy, 24-28 January 1994. Edited by I. IORI. Ricerca Scientifica ed Educazione Permanente Supplemento N. 97 (1994) 90. |
C. Roy and the FOPI Collaboration: Transverse flow of clusters (Z>3) in highly central Au (150 A MeV) + Au collisions !strong> Proceedings of the XXXII INTERNATIONAL WINTER MEETING ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS, Bormio, Italy, 24-28 January 1994. Edited by I. IORI. Ricerca Scientifica ed Educazione Permanente Supplemento N. 97 (1994) 77. |
S. Hölbling and the FOPI Collaboration: Directed sidewards flow in Au+Au collisions at incident energies 150-800 A MeV !strong> Proceedings of the XXXII INTERNATIONAL WINTER MEETING ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS, Bormio, Italy, 24-28 January 1994. Edited by I. IORI. Ricerca Scientifica ed Educazione Permanente Supplemento N. 97 (1994) 67. |
A. Gobbi for the FOPI Collaboration: Energy deposition in Au on Au collisions !strong> Proceedings of the XXXII INTERNATIONAL WINTER MEETING ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS, Bormio, Italy, 24-28 January 1994. Edited by I. IORI. Ricerca Scientifica ed Educazione Permanente Supplemento N. 97 (1994) 53. |
F. Rami for the FOPI Collaboration: Fragment flow in Au on Au collisions at SIS energies. !strong> Proceedings of the XXXI Int. Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, p.200, Bormio, Italy, January 25-30, 1993. Edited by I.Iori. |
N. Herrmann, FOPI Collaboration: Flow and Cluster Production in Central and Semi-Central Au + Au Collisions !strong> Proceedings of the International Nuclear Physics Conference, Wiesbaden, Germany, July 26-August 1, 1992. Edited by R. BOCK, H. EMLING, E. GROSSE, U. GRUNDINGER, K.D. HILDENBRAND and J. KNOLL. Nucl. Phys. A553 (1993) 739c |
Y. Leifels for the LAND and FOPI Collaborations: Exclusive studies on neutron and charged particle emission in relativistic heavy ion reactions Proceedings of the International Workshop on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations XX, Hirschegg, Kleinwalsertal, Austria, January 20 - 25 (1992) 45. Edited by H. Feldmeier. |
W. Reisdorf FOPI Collaboration: FOPI studies of Au + Au collisions as SIS energies Proceedings of the International Workshop on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations XX, Hirschegg, Kleinwalsertal, Austria, January 20 - 25 (1992) 38. Edited by H. Feldmeier. |
F.Rami for the FOPI Collaboration The FOPI Collaboration at SIS/ESR : Physics program and first experimental results. Proceedings of the Tours Symposium on Nuclear Physics, Tours, France, August 29-31, 1991. World Scientific Publishing Co., 1991, p.251. Edited by M.Ohta and B.Remaud. |
K.Hildenbrand and F.Rami (for the FOPI Collaboration) The FOPI Detector at SIS/ESR : Present status and first results. Proceedings of the International Conference on New Nuclear Physics with advanced techniques Ierapetra, Greece, June 23-29, 1991. World Scientific Publishing Co., 1991, p.285 (edited by F.A.Beck, S.Kossionides and C.A.Kalfas). |
[GSI] [FOPI] [FOPI publications] |
Last updated:
Apr 08, 2013 Comments to: Ch. Finck or korolija@faust.irb.hr. |